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M - F: 8am - 5pm

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Contact Info
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525 2nd Street Suite 203, Eureka, CA 95501


Humboldt County

525 2nd Street Suite 203, Eureka, CA 95501
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Real Reviews from
Real Patients

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1 in 5
Approximately 1 in 5
Americans will develop
skin cancer
Over 5 million skin
cancers are diagnosed
every year in the US
99% of skin cancer
is curable if detected
and treated early

A Refreshing Approach To Your Skin Exam

Our comprehensive skin exam and treatment is a four-step plan to ensure thorough and immediate attention to your skin concerns.
practitioner performing a skin exam
Step 1: Skin Consultation
You meet with one of our acclaimed providers and receive a detailed assessment of your concerns. If the provider determines a potential cancer, they will take a sample and send it to our pathology unit.
lab technician in pathology
Step 2: Pathology
Once pathology receives the sample, technicians send it a series of machines and dyes to ensure it is ready to be adequately assessed by our board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Kraffert.
Craig A. Kraffert looking into microscope
Step 3: Dr.'s Assessment
Our board-certified dermatologist studies the pathology along with the pictures and report to get a complete and comprehensive understanding of the conditions and reports a strategy to move forward.
practitioner report skin plan
Step 4: Report and Plan
Your practitioner shares the report and provides a plan for to get you back to looking, feeling, and being whole again.

What We Offer at


Medical Derm
Evaluate and treat adverse skin conditions, starts with a skin exam
Surgical Derm
Procedures requiring anesthesia for cutting
Cosmetic Derm
Procedures that improve skin appearance, particularly on the face and neck.
Pediatric Derm
Evaluation and treatment of skin, hair, and nails of children and adolescents.
Precision medicines with improved safety, convenience, and effectiveness.
Skin Radiation
Newer treatments provide focused therapeutic radiation of skin cancer that spares healthy tissue.
Uses ultraviolet light (UVA & UVB) to treat certain skin conditions such as psoriasis.
Age With Confidence
Medical-Grade Korean skin care developed in association with Craig A. Kraffert, MD.

*Available for in-store purchase at select locations.
Dr. Kraffert was efficient and professional – he was also warm and personal which is always a bonus! I would recommend him and his team.
Lee Hamilton
One of the best doctors offices I’ve ever come in contact with. All doctors offices should be this efficient, kind, compassionate and there for their clients.
Meghan Riley
Lovely space, calm quiet and spacious, was saw to promptly, beautiful views of the bay, friendly staff, competent doctor. Five stars
Amanda Devons
One of the most efficient and professional medical visits I have had in some time.
Dave Steindorf
Nice staff; a very competent doctor and very friendly.I felt comfortable immediately.
Anthony Smith
Got in 5 minutes before my appointment and was out the door with all my problems solved 11 minutes later. Great team, good energy, extremely competent.
Joel Zimbelman
I loved how they explained the entire process as they went so I was knowledgeable not only of what they were doing by why they were doing it. Absolutely would give them 10 stars if I could.
Robyn Bell